Are You A Lightworker?

I can remember feeling called to a higher purpose as far back as my childhood.  My grandmother used to say that I was an old soul, born with the wisdom of years past.  While I never quite understood that concept when I was younger, I do remember always feeling out of place; like I didn't belong in any one particular group of friends.  Even as an adult, I often feel like I just don't belong here.  Sure, I have friends and family that I enjoy surrounding myself with, but too often I don't feel connected to any of them- almost as if 'my people' are elsewhere and I'm meant to find them.

This feeling of not belonging is too often described by those who are connected to Spirit.

But why do we feel this way?

Simply put?


What is a lightworker, you ask?  Well, a


is someone who answers the call of Spirit above all else, including one's own ego.  A lightworker is also more tuned into their own senses. In spiritual practice, these are called the '


'.  (We'll get more into what each of the '


are in a later post.). For now, I will give you a few examples of how you may be able to tell if you're a lightworker.  Keep, in mind- it's perfectly fine if you only resonate with one or a few of these.  Each of us have a different connection with Spirit and may be called to work in a different way.

Signs You May Be A Lightworker:

1.)  You feel a strong spiritual connection and enjoy studying the topic.  

Take a minute and think about your feelings on Spirit, God, the Divine- whatever you like to call Source energy.  Does it scare you?  Do you feel calm and loved when you think about a higher power?  Do you feel like you need to know more about the subject because it's intriguing, but maybe you're not even sure how you feel about it?  When tuning into Spirit, any or all of these feelings are correct. But you very likely have sensed the call from Spirit at one time in your life. Maybe you've tried to reason with this feeling or believed it to be all in your head.  Trust me when I say this- it's not all in your head.  It's Spirit trying to connect with you.  The more connected you begin to feel, the more you want to know about how you can work with Spirit's energy.  This is good!  It means you may be a lightworker after all!

2.)  You feel empowered to make a difference in the world. 

Feeling the need to be of service is often expressed by lightworkers.  Have you ever observed someone in a bad mood, or going through a difficult time, and felt compelled to help them?  One of the easiest ways to work in the light is by being of service to others.  Something as simple as making another smile raises our vibration.  What is vibration, you ask?  

Vibration is pure Spirit energy

.  It's our gauge on how we feel on a daily basis.  Helping others- no matter how big or how small- instantly increases one's vibration.  To feel love and to give love are two of Spirit's greatest gifts to us.  So, get out there and make people smile!

3.)  You often feel tired when you wake in the morning.

For many of us, we do a lot of our healing while we sleep.  Have you ever had a dream you felt was so real and so vivid, almost as if you were experiencing it firsthand?  Likely, you were!  Dreaming in Spirit means to dream in reality.  What I mean by that is, when you have a dream in which you're working, talking, or spending time with another person - and you can even remember the conversation- very likely, you are being sent to that person to help them, or yourself, heal in some way.  One of the easiest ways to strengthen this gift is to write everything into a dream journal. The more you pay attention to your dreams, the more often you'll have them.  But the key is to remember everything about the dream- who you were with, where you were, and what messages were given within the dream.  This is called

lucid dreaming

.  (We'll also explore this in a later post.)  If I feel like I've had a particular individual in my dream more than usual, I will start journaling everything that I can remember.  I will pay attention to the words that are being said around me in the following days, and I will meditate on what the dreams mean.  Often times, I discover the meaning right after meditation!  Meditating is crucial to any lightworker and should be the foundation of your practice.

4.)  You have intuitive ability.

You know... that nagging feeling that something is going to happen and then it does?  Or maybe you are able to communicate with those who've crossed over? Or maybe you can sense the story of a geographic place, much like the energy of a person?  Well, guess what?  


 This is Spirit's way of saying to you- "We've got work to do, you and I!"  This is fantastic, because if you're already aware of your gifts, then you're halfway there!  You were given these gifts for a reason!  The other half, however, should be devoted to strengthening and maintaining that connection. You know the saying- if you don't use it, you lose it!

If you feel like you connect with any of these statements, then I am so happy for you!  Being a lightworker is one of the best feelings anyone can have, because, as a lightworker, you know that you are connected to the Divine and thus, loved and supported by a source so much greater than you can ever imagine.  So, what do you do now that you know you may be a lightworker?  Continue your dialog with Spirit.  Spirit's always knocking- you just have to open the door!

Here are a few simple ways to continue to connect with Spirit:



 It allows you to calm your mind and connect with Spirit.


Drink water.

 It helps to cleanse your body and spiritual energy routinely.



 Make time to continue studying all that you can.



 Don't force the connection with Spirit.  This will only hinder your abilities.

Until next time, loves...
