What's on My Nightstand?
Recommended Reading
The Spirit Whisperer, John Holland
Psychic Navigator, John Holland
Born Knowing, John Holland
Power of the Soul, John Holland
The Happy Medium, Jodi Livon
Gifted, Lisa Andres
There's More to Life Than This, Theresa Caputo
Between Two Worlds, Tyler Henry
The Intuitive Spark, Sonia Choquette
Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill
The Prosperity Bible
Rich Bitch, Nicole Lapin
Money: Master the Game, Tony Robbins
The Success Principles, Jack Canfield
Eat That Frog!, Brian Tracy
The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg
The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity, Edwene Gaines
The Power of Intention, Wayne Dyer
Living an Inspired Life, Wayne Dyer
Super Attractor, Gabrielle Bernstein
The Universe Has Your Back, Gabrielle Bernstein
The Power of Surrender, Judith Orloff