TikTok, Facebook, and YOU!

Well, hello, my loves!

I'm so glad you found me! For those of you who have already been watching the blog, I welcome you back and for those of you who are just discovering me- hello!

You're probably wondering where in the world I've been. To be honest, doing some shadow work.  I've been working for the past several months on re-discovering my connection with Spirit and loving the process.  It hasn't been easy, but it is proving to be one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.  

I began asking Spirit months ago to help me connect to people in a way that I hadn't before. Though I didn't know what to do or where to begin, I trusted in the Divine to show me the way.  Fast forward a few months to March and a pandemic hits our world.  Millions of people are being affected by something far beyond any of our grasps.  Much of the world was told to shelter in our homes to help reduce the spread of the illness, so naturally people had to find things to do to fill their days.  Though I was not able to stay home, I did install this app called- you guessed it- TikTok.  

Now, to be honest, at first I thought I was just going to watch some funny videos and lift my mood to help combat the energetic overwhelm I was feeling, but it became so much more!  I knew absolutely nothing about TikTok, so I didn't even know how to use it!  I thought it was just scrolling and following topics and people I found relevant to my life, but little did I know that I would fall in love with the individuals and their content!  From witches, to inspirational folks, to hilarious and uplifting step-dads and everything in between, this app has been amazing!

Here we are at the end of June and I have not only started my own page, but have begun recording my own content- putting myself out to the world as the psychic medium I've always been, but also have been mocked for being.  Some of the most dear people in my life made fun of who I was, so for me to be putting myself out for the world to see- it was a big step- and I'm so glad I did!

I have met so many amazing people on TikTok and I'm so excited to meet more of you!  I'm excited to share my world of Spirit with you, connect you with your loved ones, and help you learn and grow in your own Divine abilities!  It is an amazing gift to have such a connection with Spirit, but it's not one to be forced or rushed. I've learned that the hard way a few times over the years and each time, it led to me feeling completely burnt out and my life turning upside-down- or at least I thought it was at the time. 

There are so many stories that I would love to share with you all and I will, in due time.  I will continue to add to this blog as often as I can, as well as Facebook (a page I just started), as well as my daily posts on Instagram and TikTok.  I have so many ideas for content, so stay tuned, because I'm so excited to see where Spirit is going to take us!

Until next time, loves...

Crystal Intuitive