Crystal of the Week~ CLEAR QUARTZ


It's crystal day!  (Just kidding, I don't think there's even such a thing.)  But all kidding aside, tonight I'm going to begin my crystal of the week series where I talk about my favorite stones- what I use them for, which I naturally use more often and am drawn to, and which ones are on the wish list.  I will also outline some of the metaphysical properties of the stones, including healing aspects, personal gain, as well as intention setting I do with each.  

Without further ado, my absolute FAVORITE crystal... Clear Quartz!

One of my most used crystals!

Clear quartz, in my opinion, is THE go-to stone for any newbie to a crystal practice.  It is such a multi-tasker stone and I don't think there's really anything this little gem can't do!  


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In the metaphysical world, Clear Quartz crystals are the supreme gift of Mother Earth. Even the smallest is imbued with the properties of a master healer teacher. Ancients believed these stones to be alive, taking a breath once every hundred years or so, and many cultures thought them to be incarnations of the Divine."

I know, I know... amazing right?!  This IS the mother of all stones.  It's the generator, the manifesting stone, and of course, the healer.  This little baby can do it all!  I personally carry at least one clear quartz everyday in my pocket and take it out throughout my day when I need to set a specific intention or when I need to bring myself back to center and ground my energies.  I love, LOVE this stone so much because it is the one crystal that I connect with best.  If you're a collector of crystals, you know exactly what I mean.  Some stones we can resonate with so easily just by being in its presence, while others we may feel we can't connect to at all.  But for me, I've never met a clear quartz that I didn't resonate with!

Because clear quartz, in particular, is an 

amplifier, I tend to use it in conjunction with other gems.  Depending on what my intention is for the day, I may pair it with green aventurine for prosperity or good luck, perhaps a piece of angelite or selenite to connect more successfully with my angel or Spirit guides, or even some fluorite to enhance my focus when applying myself to intellectual tasks.  Whatever you partner your clear quartz with will be enhanced just by being near it.  SO cool.

Another way I love to work with clear quartz is for meditation.  While many intention setters may opt for amethyst or even agate, I always make sure I have my 'best friend stone' in my hand during meditation.  Knowing I'm holding it allows me to bring my focus to the stone itself and not to the distractions that may be happening around me.  When I'm working with a client during a reading, I ALWAYS have my quartz in my hand!  It's helps me to calm the images and information that's coming at me, helping to organize the details in a way I can articulate to the person I'm reading.

This little bitty is such an integral part of my everyday for so many reasons and I could go on and on about it!  If you've been curious about which crystal to invest in first, make this the one.  Seriously.  No crystal collection should be without one.  

Feel free to leave comments below if you have any questions!  Don't be shy- nothing but love here, folks!  I look forward to talking to each and every one of you!  

So that's it for clear quartz tonight- just a quick bit of information about my go-to item that I cannot go through my day without!  

Until next time, loves...