A Quick Mantra Moment!

Does life ever seem to be moving too fast or is work just a biiiit more stressful than you feel you can handle? Here are a few quick mantras to help you navigate life's stresses:

  • I am Divinely supported.

  • All is well.

  • This too shall pass.

  • I welcome a miracle into my life.

  • I am happy, safe, and strong.

  • I seek people and situations that serve my highest good.

  • I am inspired.

  • I am loved.

Taking a few deep breaths and centering your energy back into your heart chakra will calm your emotions into a more peaceful mindset. Choose a mantra and repeat until you feel your heart chakra expand. Visualize the negative situation dissolving and being replaced by love and clarity. If the stress involves a specific person, hold them in white light and send forgiveness their way.

Use this technique whenever life spins out of control or when dealing with an antagonist. Radiate focus, love, and positive energy as often as you can. Remember, like attracts like... To feel love, you must BE love.