Self-Love, Hygge, and Taking Time for You!

Well hello, hello!

It's been a hot minute, now hasn't it?  Where in the world have I been?  To be honest?  Overcoming an injury, my friends.  Not mine, but a sports related injury my son sustained during baseball.  Helping him work through anxiety, depleted energy, and decreased motor function has taken all of my time.  We are not out of the woods by a long shot, but I have missed connecting with all of you

so much

that I am carving out some time to talk about what's on deck for

The Crystal Intuitive


I'm back, baby!  Cue the celebration!

Boy oh boy, am I ready to get back to all of you lovely peeps to bring you some amazing content!  In the coming days, we're going to talk about crystals, meditations, moon cycles, vision boards and so much more!  I am so pumped to shake things up a bit and let you into my world just a bit more!  But before all of that goodness takes over, I thought I'd slow things down just a bit to talk about a topic that I think is so vital for so many of us.

Today we're talking about self-love and the art of taking care of yourself.

Recently I've been pinning some relaxation ideas to my Pinterest boards.  I've felt inspired to revamp certain areas of my daily life to allow for a more relaxed, simplistic way of being.  I am craving a life of quiet peace- a place to come home to where the noises of overstimulation don't have to be the tenor in the background.  A place where I can drop all my stresses at the threshold.  So I set out to do some research to help me regain the peace I've lost for quite some time and all my searching led me to Hygge. I think what I love most about adopting the Danish way of living, called


(pronounced hoo-gah) is the idea of making one's environment cozy and the pinultimate state of relaxation.  Now, I don't know about any of you, but life is far too hectic for my liking these days.  I often find myself so distracted with the day to day that I can't ground myself enough to be able to meditate.  I move from task to task as if on auto-pilot but never really embrace the moments as they come.  I am able to get things done, but not with the laser sharp focus I have been able to utilize in the past.  I also feel that meditation is the key to any successful intuitive life, so not being able to do so leaves me feeling anxious, stressed, and with little energy to focus on my desire to live a healthy, Spirit-driven life.  I've tried everything from online meditations to driving for a long period of time, to listening to audiobooks and even podcasts to try to regain my center, but alas, nothing has worked.

I'm too busy to be busy!


Don't you just want to cozy up in this blanket?

But this idea of embracing the coziness and stillness of life is so intriguing to me.  I think that I've always aspired to be able to live in a


manner- taking time to sit outside on my deck and listen to the birds chirp their sweet serenades, or taking the time to light candles while I cozy into a new book for a few hours on a Friday night.  To me, that is true bliss.  To be able to disconnect from life's expectations and chaos just long enough to calm my inner dialogue and savor a few quiet moments.

So as the cooler months take over and the smell of falling leaves sneaks away to the crispness of new snow, I am going to fully embrace this new way of life.  I have a tower of books beside my bed that have yet to be read, candles to burn, and crystals to journey with.  I plan on savoring every moment I can to help steady my overwhelmed mind and body so that I can truly open to my gifts as a medium.

I bet you're asking, "What does this Hygge have anything to do with mediumship?"  In my opinion, it actually can play a huge role in my ability to bring forth the energies calling to me on a daily basis.  You see, stress can block one's ability to communicate.  Because I am able to feel and see images in my mind's eye, I know when I am not able to receive messages from those who have crossed over.  It literally looks and feels like a brick wall in my intuitive field.  I can't get through until I am able to calm, center, and completely open myself up to the information coming forward and thus, the reason I feel myself craving a slower pace.  When I read for others, I am my true self- unapologetic and free.  It is the reason I've started this blog and intuitive sessions.  Being able to connect with loved ones who have passed away is a gift and a renewal of Spirit- a blessing every time.

So how am I planning on living the Hygge lifestyle?  I will stock up on soft scented candles, super cozy blankets, my favorite teas, and make a point of enjoying books and movies with my family.  I will embrace the quiet, cook comforting dinners, and take long showers.  I will stop to watch the leaves fall and smell the seasons change.  I will plant seeds for spring, write my first book, and create my vision for the future.  I will use Hygge to become my best version of myself.

If you'd like to explore this lifestyle, I've listed some books that can be purchased on Amazon or in your local bookstore for reasonable prices.

The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living by Meik Wiking

The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living

by Meik Wiking


Hygge: The Danish Art of Happiness by Marie Tourell Søderberg

Hygge: The Danish Art of Happiness

by Marie Tourell Søderberg


The Cozy Life: Rediscover the Joy of the Simple Things Through the Danish Concept of Hygge by Pia Edberg

The Cozy Life: Rediscover the Joy of the Simple Things Through the Danish Concept of Hygge

by Pia Edberg 


I hope you all enjoyed today's post! I encourage you all to choose one of these books, or something entirely different, to see how you can implement this 'cozy living' lifestyle into your own day to day! Leave me a comment if you already know about this and how you're embracing this Danish secret in your life!

Until next time, loves...