Time For A Change.

Hey loves!

I hope that you are well on this snowy, almost Spring, day!  As I write this, I'm looking out my window, watching Nor'easter Skylar barrel down on the northeast.  Blustery winds and snow piling up to totals of 12-18" are expected.  As much as I'm anticipating the warmer breezes, chirping birds, and bright flowers popping up through the grass, I do also enjoy a day like today to help refresh and reset my mind space.

I know that I've been pretty quiet over the past several months, not having posted anything on social media or here.  The past several months have been a whirlwind of emotions, stress, healing, and determining how life is going to look for our little family moving forward. After having suffered from a first concussion in May 2017, our son has now suffered from a second, and more painful, one in January. His symptoms are different than those of the first and our primary focus has been to ensure his full recovery. Even as I wrote this, I can’t confidently say that we’re there yet. He has a long way to go and so often the simplest day-to-day tasks feel like mountains we still aren’t yet prepared to climb.

Because he has been the all consuming focus of the past few months, so much of the life we had been planning had to be pushed to the side. Birthdays and holidays have come and gone with little fanfare because noises and activity were too much for him to be around. School vacations and days off were spent resting in quiet contemplation of the days ahead. Life hasn’t been easy since May, but, in fleeting moments- seeing a smile or hearing a giggle reminds me of just how resilient he is and how we will learn to navigate this new life with constant love and positive affirmation.

This blog is my outlet, my way to quiet the stress that at times is too much to ignore.  I look forward to writing posts about the crystals that I love, the authors that I'm reading, classes I'm taking, and so much more.  I really want this to be an engaging community where like-minded folks can come together and share ideas and instances.  I want to hear your stories about bumps in the night, places you think are haunted, or stories that have been passed down through generations.  I want to investigate new places and use my intuition to learn the histories held within.  Psychic and intuitive readings are always interesting and often fun.  As I move forward into 2018, I welcome all avenues for intuition and mediumship.  I am excited for the possibilities that are coming and can't wait to share more information with you all!

For now, I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes from Deepak Chopra's "Seven Spiritual Laws of Success':

"Everyone has a purpose in life.... a unique gift or special talent to give to others.  And when we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit, which the ultimate goal of all goals."

You can purchase this book on Amazon in print, Kindle edition, or even narrated via Audible.  I've included the link below for you to take a look.  It's a beautifully written perspective on the seven principles we all should live by to discover our own dharma and create the life we're meant to lead.

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams by Deepak Chopra

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams

by Deepak Chopra 



Until next time loves...

Crystal Intuitive