Learning To Love Your Authentic Self

Hey loves.  It's been a while, hasn't it?  A while, you say... "Girl, it's been a full year!"  I know, I know- I've been such a flake with this blog and I'm sure those of you who used to follow me have likely dropped off due to my MIA status, but I gotta tell ya- I'm back, baby!  No more skipped days (okay, so let's be real- MONTHS) of not posting.  No ma'am.  This time, it's for keeps.  I'm back with a renewed sense of self that I've not had in so long and it feels good.  Reeeeeaaal good.

So, you ask, what's been up?  What, in God's creation, have I been up to?  Well, to recap on the past year, I started a new job that I absolutely LOVE.  Yes, LOVE.  You read that right.  There is nearly nothing that I don't like about where I am and what I'm doing now.  I love my coworkers, the work itself, and the customers I work with.  The vibe is typically pretty chill and I find myself laughing to the point of tears at least three times daily.  It really rocks. (For those of you who know me- see what I did there?  Ha ha...)

As for the personal side of life... gulp.  That's a story for another day.  Maybe another lifetime.  Just kidding.  It'll come up at some point, just not now.  But my personal life has been the impetus for restarting the blog and truly following what my soul wants. 

Some of you know me well enough to know that I cannot go any span of time without being pulled to what I feel is my purpose in life.  It's not been until now that I can, un-apologetically, tell people who I am and what I can do for others.  Up until now, it's been pretty easy to only let those who I feel most comfortable with into my true self.  My psychic self.  My intuitive medium self.  

You see, people can be so judgmental that it makes life difficult for a budding medium wanting to really put herself out there for the world to accept.  Even with all the publicly recognized mediums and psychics on tv and all over social media, when it gets right down to it, the greater majority of people are skeptical and un-accepting of the idea that a person can sense, and even channel, those who have passed on. 

Trust me, I totally get it.  Maybe if I didn't know what I know, I'd be a skeptic, too.  I'm definitely a 'show me, don't just tell me' type of person, so if I were the person on the outside looking in, I'd probably be one of those people who makes a medium 'prove' what they know.  But I'm not a skeptic- not in the least.  I'm aware and I trust in the information I receive, no matter how it arrives.  

Okay... so for those of you who didn't know what I can do, I'm sure your mind is blown.  Maybe some of you always kind of knew I was a little different, a little odd, but I'm willing to bet that me being an intuitive medium was the last reason you'd ever think of, so I get it.  Now you're skeptical of me and that's fine.  It just leads me to the topic of this post- AUTHENTICITY.

So often, I think, 'How hard is it for people to be themselves?  To tell others how they really feel?  To love themselves for who they are without fear of rejection, worry, or concern?'  The answer to all of those questions is- really hard.  Well, maybe not for some, but for most of us, the concern for how we'll be accepted is always there.  It's why so many of us have social media.  We want others to see how great our life is and all of the amazing things we're doing and the 'stuff' we're accumulating.  The need to 'one up' others is something that most of us subscribe to, but certainly won't admit to. We want to feel important in some way.  I mean, c'mon, we're human.  We have egos that need to be paid attention to.  It makes us who we are.

Now, you might be thinking, woah- I did not sign up for this conversation, but just go with me for a minute.  Take a minute and reflect on whether or not you have an online presence and how you post.  Are you always posting how great your kid is or the new car you just bought?  Are you showing the world the genuine fun you have with life or are you constantly grumbling?  Do you look to engage with others in a way that makes them feel better just by having the interaction?

Too many of us live by the idea that we're not good enough unless we have the newest and greatest gadget or that we have to present ourselves in ways that impress others, but perhaps don't allow us to feel like who we really want to be.  What we don't realize is that by living only for the sake of others, we lose a small part of ourselves everyday in the process.  Each time we act 'as if', we lean in towards an outward persona, while leaving our true essence behind.  But therein lies the secret- your essence is what makes you


.  It's the reason people gravitate to you.  It's what makes a complete stranger smile from afar without ever having spoken to you.  It's your soul, your vibe, it's YOU. 

 No one can do you like you can.

Do yourself a favor and don't try to be someone or something you're not.  It may mean losing people in the process and trust me, loss is felt on a soul level, but if it were me, I'd rather have the people who accept and truly love me around rather than those who are expecting a version that I just simply can't keep up with in the long term.  I'd want to be my un-apologetic self- loving, learning, and living the truest life I possibly can and if that means going it alone, that's okay.  Because in being my true self, I know that I'm never alone.  There will always be those like-minded souls that I'll meet along the way.

Just be yourself and the world will love you.  Trust me.


Until next time, loves...