What to Do When You Feel Unsure...


What a horrible thing to have to experience.  It can bring feelings of inadequacy, dread, even depression.  For some of us, we are able to recognize it when it’s beginning and course correct.  But for the rest of us- myself included- feeling


can often lead to much more damaging thoughts.  When I feel uncertain, my mind begins to play tricks on me which makes me question myself and the intentions of those around me.  

I become paranoid.

 It’s all consuming and inescapable.


Lately I've been feeling overwhelmed.  Like,


overwhelmed.  Overwhelmed to the point where mental paralysis and severe depression has taken over.  It's the reason I've started typing so many posts for this blog, only to leave them as drafts and not finish.  What if they don't like me or what I write?  What if what I'm writing is too personal and it turns people away?  What if my posts seem a little off-brand and readers don't resonate with them?  Those are just some of the thoughts that overtake my confidence and leave me doubting whether or not to hit publish.

Depression has also stymied my progress in personal ways as well.  As a family, we have many goals we want to accomplish this year, but because I've been so downtrodden, I've not been as focused as I should have been.  I've hurt those around me, been hurt myself, and delayed many goals- all because I couldn't get out of my own way.

So what do you do when life seems be too much and you feel like you're never going to get where you want to me?

You go for it.  

Wait, what?

Now I understand that, sometimes when you're so overwhelmed, you are unable to see the path in front of you-  but trust me- it's there.  It always was.  You just veered off of it for a while.

But here's the thing


you can always find your way back

.  That's the beauty of life.  The only thing that truly is permanent is death.  And guess what? You're not gone yet! You're still here- breathing each day, hopefully grateful for the opportunities around you!  You've still got so much time to accomplish those goals that you've set for yourself.  

It's not over yet, love!

So back to me.  How am I going to move from a place of lack, overwhelm, and despair?

To be honest? 

I'm going to stop feeling sorry for myself.

  I'm going to remember those goals I wrote down months and/or years ago and I'm going to begin knocking them down- one by one. I'm going to focus EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. on those goals to the point where it borders on healthy obsession.  I'm going to make myself a

vision board

for 2020 and I'm going to begin taking action on what I want to see happen in my life.  You see, I've got some

big goals

- from house related ideas, to owning my own intuitive based business, to broadening The Crystal Intuitive's online presence, and so many more.  If I allow myself to continue to say that I can't do it, then I know I will definitely accomplish one thing in 2020-



I cannot fail

.  I won't fail.  And so begins the process of late nights, visualization, focused agendas and to-do lists, and celebrations of dreams realized.

2020 is going to be a big year and I'm here for it! 

The good, the bad, and the exhausting


I'm ready for it all!

So here's to setting- and CRUSHING- major goals in 2020!

Until next time, loves...