Meditation Monday~ Grounding in Times of Panic

Good Morning, Loves!

As many of you may know (and for those of you who may not), the coronavirus (Covid-19) has begun to take over the world's population, leaving many to self-isolate or seek care from medical professionals. There is no toilet paper or hand sanitizer to be found, much of the food supply is dwindling on the shelves, and schools around the nation have been ordered to close for no less than three weeks.

It’s so easy to panic.


With as much information (or even- misinformation) as we’re hearing on the news and reading online, we’re seeing it become more sensationalized by the day. You turn on the tv and one news station is saying that the pandemic is under control, while the anchors on the next channel are talking about how everyone needs to shelter-in-place. Every governor has a different idea of how they want their states to respond. There is absolutely no consistency and it’s maddening.

So what do we do when we can’t make sense of the world around us? What do we do when our thoughts are spinning out of control with no clarity in sight?


Center, you say? What do you mean? How is that going to help me when the pandemic is spreading out of control?

Trust me on this one.

I am going to give you a mantra to recite anytime you feel overwhelmed by the news. Repeating this phrase each time you feel like your thoughts are spiraling will help you focus on your inner self and less on your ego. By trusting the intuition you already possess, you are inviting in Spirit and will soon begin to feel more centered and calm- I promise.

Repeat after me:
I trust in the universal love that which surrounds me. I am whole. I am healthy. I am blessed.
Focus on steadying your breath within your chest.
Take a deep breath in 1... 2... 3... 4...
Hold and mentally recite the mantra.
Release 1... 2... 3... 4...
Repeat until calm.

Repeat this mantra every time you feel like the news is too much or when you feel like you are unable to steady your own thoughts.

But I will say that it’s not just reciting this phrase that is going to help you center. You must relinquish your emotions and trust that you are being universally cared for. You cannot just say the words without trust. Focus on your breathing and notice how the stress melts away as you recite the words. Repeat as many times as you need to until you feel at peace.

This can be implemented in any trying situation- not just the one we’re experiencing now. Tapping into universal love is also vital to manifesting the life you want. It transcends us into a state of knowing, rather than doubting. It reminds us that when we trust the universe, we are able to co-create everything we desire in life. It allows us to be the writer, director, and producer in our own life’s movie.

But we’ll get more into that later this week.

So, for now-
Take a breath.
Steady your thoughts.

We WILL get through this.

Until next time, loves...

Crystal Intuitive